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tv   ABC7 News on KOFY 7PM  KOFY  July 28, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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>> fire danger in east bay hills. tonight, tall grass is drying out quickly z progress on a wildfire. why did some burn and others were spared? >> new fallout from the san bruno explosion revealing e mails between pg&e and a powerful state agency should someone go to jail? >> how do you bet a parking ticket for an expired meter two minutes before it actually expires? i'm michael finney and i'll investigate, ahead. >> if you've done your part to prevent a wildfire, you may wonder why officials in one city
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have not done theirs good evening, thanks for joining us. despite the high fire danger not everyone in the city is doing everything possible to protect people and property. surprising considering devastating oakland hills fire storm we found a gap in efforts to prevent another tragedy there. abc7 news reporter laura anthony is live with the story. laura? >> i'm told part of the issue is reduction if budgets. now, this is an example of what is not been cleared here in the city of oakland near hills. this particular parcel just yards from last month's fire here. it happened to be owned by the city. there is another that looks just as bad or worse. it's owned by caltrans. notice after notice goes out to everyone and anyone. the tall grasses must be cleared
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most people seem to be doing their part. but it appears not everyone is getting the message. >> we're conducting inspections. >> vincent is an inspector that found some of the worst offenders were government that's own properties in the hills >> it's taken time to get corps compliance with certain parcels >> this is a hillside full of weeds as tall as six feet. owned by caltrans. the overgrown hillside leads up to dozens of homes >> we'll know the schedule soon we're working hard on. that but yes. that is the criteria for it. how close is it. you know, to the property owners. especially structures. >> oakland school district did clear it's properties and just days. after no fewer than three
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abaitments were back to may. >> they were late but often times it's a matter of financial funds being available and waiting for renewal of the fiscal year. we're happy to have their cooperation. >> in time for officials who say conditions are more like october than late july. a fire burning has been continuing to grow tonight, burning just over four square miles of land crews are trying to tear down dry brush in the hope of stopping crews spreading into yosemite. >> better storms are a double edged sword they can help us with rain that dumped a lot of rain.
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moisture would be good. and igniting more fires is a concern. >> about 100 homes have been evacuated. yoes sem city open, but two camp grounds have been closed >> police chased down two burglary suspects today sky 7 shows one of them being loaded on to a stretcher with a wounded right leg. a resident called police after a break in. police spotted the suspects they took off. police tracked them down and made the arrest. during the investigation police found other homes have been burglarized. >> police are investigating a deadly shooting this afternoon. it happened on gramecy place around 3:40 this afternoon. this is the city's 21 homicide
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of the year. meantime, police in antioch shot a man today. it started when someone found a rifle in the street this morning on folsom drive. one officer tried to detain a man, he fled into a garage. no details have been released on what went on, but officer pulled out a gun and shot the man several time. s his condition is unknown. police say he was responsive when taken to the hospital the officer was not hurt. the district attorney is investigating. >> well, after three-month investigation in this case, santa clara district attorney decided not to file charges against a man who left his 9-month-old son p a hot car we reported to you in april the man had four hours of sleep, for getting to drop the boy off on the baby-sitter's house the child sadly died of heat stroke the district attorney said, quote, the tragedy does not rise to the level of recklessly that both the law, and justice require. >> san bruno city officials are
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charging there was collusion between california public utilities commission and pg&e. the city says it has proof p.u.c advised pg&e on how to handle the investigation. vic lee is live in san bruno tonight with a story. vic? >> these are some of the 7,000 pages of e mails and communications the city of san bruno obtained these e mails when settling a lawsuit last week. officials say after reviewing they found 40 violations committed by staffers. the release comes at a time they're trying to determine fines against p combchlt and e for explosion and fire here
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officials want a monitor to oversee it's dealings >> we're calling for president peavy's immediate removal, the resignation of pg&e executives and a state investigation. >> san bruno mayor reserved his harshest criticism for cpuc president. >> he has knowingly participated in regular communications with pg&e to help the company penalties and fines for fatal september 9, 2010, explosion and fire in our community. >> the mayor says the e mails revealed the agency violated it's own rules by receiving information on its financial conditions, stem aring from the pipeline disaster. in one e mail telling an official, i think you have two
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ways of going. you may want to chat with legal people. send back a sweet note saying the issue is moot. answer any simple question and object to others. another e-mail, a staffer gets a heads up to peavy. fyi. standard and poor's notified us they'll be down grading pg&e long-term ratings by one notch today. pg&e says it holds employees to highest standard of conduct. >> we're going to go through communications and make sure no one fell short f they did, we'll take action. >> saying evaluate will hold motions by the city of san bruno, including providing opportunity for parties to comment. vic lee, abc7 news.
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>> about 100 miles away east of sacramento, cal fire says crews have the sand fire 65% contained this afternoon. due to fire the fire broke out, many evacuees were animals. the fair ground made room among animals already on display. >> people were gracious in making room to be able to bring animals here. >> more than 1200 people were evacuated >> more than 50 homes have been destroyed but why did some burn while others were spared? >> the fire is beginning to look like that area that burned, thank you to firefighters and
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lessons learned the hardest way. >> my house is fine. it did burn a truck down. >> there is a big old highway around my house now. >> it's more accurate to say they're prepared. that big old highway is their defensible space line. the fire burned up to it and stopped. >> it helped us. >> others did not listen to the warning. >> they would have just done with they needed to do, would it have been standing still. >> on the flip side if there is time... >> if the fire is enough way, we may be able to get crews in there. if it's not, we have to say no. we'll go to the next house. >> being next to a home and seeing what is left is a good example of what the space can
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do. the house over my left shoulder? you can see defensible space line. you can see the fire races up to the house would not be standing with out those lines. >> is that something you're thinking you're going to be okay? it was reassuring but this is just horrible. yeah. >> it is horrible. >> still to come a $500 million campaign for pedestrian safety starting with a flip of a switch. tonight two people honored at the white house. one you know well the other, maybe not. >> clouds and moisture and sprinkles are possible we'll take a look at the accu-weather forecast. >> and serena williams come
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the city is making a move to prevent more traffic-related deaths. two dozen pedestrians lost their lives on city streets last year. the history of problems. >> this has a bad past. in february, a 78-year-old man was killed in this intersection and a young woman hit while
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trying to cross the street. >> it's busy. e th never stopped >> now, he can relax with a switch, the mayor gave life to a crash. >> now, it's safer for everyone. >> the supervisors hope to eliminate traffic fatalities by 2024. an initiative that is an ambitious plan. at today's event, the mayor said a $500 million bond to the november ballot calling it a top priority. >> increase a population, we must take care of streets like this. >> the bond would not raise taxes for realoe indicating the
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money. the rest of the money funding new features on accident prone streets. executive director points to bond. >> say so if we don't pass a spot we're in serious hurt for transportation infrastructure that is needed to make streets safer. >> two thirds of the voters must approve the bond for it to pass. >> a car hit and seriously injured a child. this is the parkway closed between rimer boulevard and mission view. >> officers tell us looking for
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a car and they say the boy went to the trauma center with major injuries saying the driver stopped and is cooperating with the investigation. we'll bring more information as soon as we get it here at 6:00 and on twitter at abc7 news bay area. >> hundreds of college students are scrambling now to figure out what to do after a school they attended shut down. students found this note on the front door ten days after the school's parent company filed. students were picking up transcripts and wondering about the futures. >> everything is getting loss. i'm worried now if i'm able to stay at my work without having any, you know diploma or
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anything. the students can try to seek refunds from a state fund. >> six east bay cities and municipal utility district reached a settlement with the epa to keep the bay clean. the agreement includes cities of alameda and berkeley and oakland and piedmont the cities agreed to fix 1500 miles of old sewer pipes and says aging stewer systems for blame for sending the sewage yoo the water >> this will help us reach our goal of eliminating water pollution so citizens can rest assured they live in a safe and clean environment. >> cities will have to pay about $1.5 million for past leaks that violated laws. >> three employees of a tahoe
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resort have been fired for draining 15, 20,000 gallons of pool water into a storm basin. the water can be toxic to fish it does not appear there was environmental damage in this case. and state regulators say the resort will probably to the be fined. >> sacramento, gold rush days cancelled because of the drought you'll see how they're able to cover the streets with dirt every labor day weekend. but takes 3,000 gallons of water per day and another 100,000 to wash way kirt. officials say they will return next year, weather and water permitting. >> spencer christian is here with the weather. >> warm temperatures and rainbows >> you can see it here in these
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pictures. this morning crews got meteorologists taking a look at tweeting about possible showers on our live doppler 7 twitter feed. >> beautiful. spencer is here now with an update. >> we had enough drops to produce rainfall. more moisture is headed our way. there may be more rainbows and pot of gold. low clouds near the coastline. most of this into the atmosphere, some drops may be hitting the ground. here is a live view. beautiful western sky. clouds around and lots of blue skies around. 68 in oakland. san jose, 76. 61 half moon bay. another lovely view of the sky looking southeast at 71 now.
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in santa rosa. napa, 73. 80s in fairfield. 82 in livermore, here is a view of the bridge with clouds above. traffic flowing nicely. high clouds and hot days continuing. more clouds bringing a threat of a sprinkle or two. from mexico and through southwestern u.s., second course of moisture from what was a hurricane, now tropical storm hernan. so we might get sprinkles or two. high clouds, low clouds near the
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coast. mild conditions with low temperatures into low 60s then, tomorrow another warm, mild to warm day. hazy sunshine. highs around 86 in mountain view. downtown san francisco, 69 in the sunset district, mid to upper 60s on the coast. 92 in calistoga. 84 in fremont, highs mid to upper 90s. inland areas remaining toasty. with presence of clouds on wednesday, mid-80s around the bay and mid to upper 60s on the
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coast. a little bit of cooling beginning but warmth going to be with us for a while. >> looks like it. >> thank you. >> coming up next, a powerful symbol at the september 11th museum. >> a decision on hey, if you could be any dinosaur, which would you be? t-rex. that's dumb, cuz when you're hungry late at night, your little t-rex arms couldn't stuff your face with - my new chick-n-tater melt munchie meal. it's got crispy chicken, hash browns, and gooey cheese on a buttery croissant. that's french. ok, i get it. so what would you be? a long armed t-rex. jerk.
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bulldog: ibut my friends i are learning skillsnt! that can change a life. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train dogs like suzie to engage students in schools and special education classes. while ginger visits folks in the hospital offering quiet comfort. with your help, we can do even more! make a donation at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people. [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast.
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double the speed. [ heart beats ] looks like we're about to board. mm-hmm. i'm just comparing car insurance rates at is that where they show the other guys' rates, too? mm-hmm. cool. yeah. hi. final boarding call for flight 294. [ bells ring on sign ] [ vehicle beeping ] who's ready for the garlic festival? this guy! bringing our competitors' rates to you -- the prof proposed a fine against southwest airlines for a
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number of bad repair jobs. the case when southwest did a makeover on 44 planes where they found fuj lass could crack. the company they hired did not follow proper procedures. faa said southwest return to planes to service knowing they're not in compliance. >> tonight, the future of a bay area real estate web site in announcing the $3.5 billion take over of trulia today, skillo said it would continue to operate both brands. another bay area company, virgin america is taking off for wall street. today, virgin america filed from initial public offering of stock.
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the dollar tree chain is taking over the store family dollar taking aim at wall mart. and are being taken over by a bay area investment group and wants it to be the place you'd go for anniversary or birthday >> a court said a memorial cross at the september 11th museum can remain where it is. by rescue and recovery workers. court voted the cross is a sim bowl of hope and does not intentionally promote religion. >> crisis in the middle east, a hospital is the latest target of
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a. >> did donald sterling trick him into selling los angeles clippers? >> also a bay area man turns to 7 on your side for help getting 7 on your side for help getting a refund for a
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you say, tomato. old el paso says... diced tomato stand'n stuff chicken tacos. you say what's for dinner? old el paso says... start somewhere fresh. how do you helper? make helper with your favorite ingredients, for a fresh taste you'll love. helper. make it yours. now make restaurant inspired dishes with ultimate helper.
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hopes for a sustained cease fire in the middle east are dimming now. israel's prime minister is telling his country to be prepared for what he calls a prolonged campaign. >> a direct strike from a drone hit a hospital. the israel defense forces blame damage to the hospital and an incident on a failed hamas rocket attack. according to health ministry, ten people were killed at the camp.
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>> the fighting in ukraine prevented investigators perfect reaching the malaysian airlines crash site. eight people were killed overnight. two eastern ukraine cities hell by spraftists. police hoped to be at that crash fight today gathering evidence. >> there was gunfire and what we understand was impacting nearby. >> officials say data show the plane crashed due to a massive explosion loss of pressure after being punctured multiple times by splap mel. >> now we want to bring you a full report on the middle east. it's critical what's happening
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there now. prime minister of israel telling his people to be prepared for a long campaign. >> hamas reports a direct strike hit the hospital two. people were injured p the strike. the israel defense forces blame damage to the hospital and incident in a nearby refugee camp on a failed hamas rocket attack. at least ten people were killed at the camp. >> israelis and palestinians have a responsibility to stop the fighting now. >> israel's un ambassador responded. >> it's very simple. if it's going to be quiet in israel, it's going to be quiet in gaza. equation is simple >> the secretary of state says the u.s. is continuing work which could lead to a sustainable cease fire.
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>> it's important to try to build, begin and move in a process. that is what we're trying to achieve. that is the only way, this conflict is going to be resolved. >> israel's foreign ministry says it's observing an unlimited cease-fire, meaning israeli soldiers only fire on gaza when fired upon directly, only targeting where the fire is coming from. >> there is a circle of violence in this region. >> a judge ruled against l.a. clippers owner donald sterling today the team can now be sold the team can be sold in the league after racist comments made. his wife negotiated a sale to steve balmer. sterling tried to block the sale today the judge ruled his wife can take over his control of the
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trust after doctors found he had signs of alzheimer's. the judge also ruled sterling can not delay the sale while appealing this case. >> a berkeley man able to get a judge to this parking ticket. hard part is just getting his money back. >> that is where michael finney is. >> beating a traffic ticket is never easy the man you're about to meet did it. they were helping help him finish his long ordeal. >> two days over a year. >> what is how long he had to fight to beat his $43 parking ticket. outside of a store he visited he came out to discover this ticket on his windshield. >> it's a citation two minutes
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before my ticket expired. >> this is his citation the ticket is a receipt that came out of a kiosk. issued at 10:32 p.m he paid for parking through 10:34 a.m he asked the city of berkeley for an administrative review. >> he didn't think the was fair he had been issued a ticket two minutes before the kiosk tag expired >> the city found it was not issued in error saying it's the driver's responsibility to make sure the meter is fed while in use. arthur was granted a formal hearing. >> the judge there said was seven ways a ticket could be disqualified i had two of the seven. >> reason one, the ticket was issued two minutes before the meter actually expired
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reason two the judge said meter listed on the ticket as expired did not exist. his ticket was dismissed. he was told to expect the money in 6 to 8 weeks >> he called and said the money hadn't arrived we were told we had to write another letter. >> so, he did. and another in march. >> he kept a phone log >> he says he made numerous phone calls they contacted seven on your side. all i can say is that we have no record of receiving letters >> he looked into it further. turns out arj your was sending his letters to a address given to him by the city of berkeley.
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given two years after the box had been closed. the box has been listed but hasn't been updated on forms. what about the phone call? >> i don't know who he spoke with. >> arthur has a log of everyone he called at traffic citation department >> we're getting the run around, probablily for what will be a month, six weeks. two weeks. >> we confirmed arthur called correct number on the same form with outdated address we received no explanation of why those callses were never addressed the fine he paid for the ticket has now been refunded. >> nine months since the hearing and over a year he got back his
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$43. >> the city says now the refund should have been processed immediately after the ruling. the city says it should have acted more quickly and says it regrets the errors to see my reports online, click on the sections tab, then look for seven on your side there is a link to contact 7 on your side. >> good work there. >> coming up next, a remarkable bay area teenager who is making a border run tonight. >> that is right a conversation that inspired her to lend a
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a growing crisis on u.s. border sparked a political debate across the country. >> a p san francisco high school student is taking on this issue. >> this was full to here. >> foremost of the morning the
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soon to be high school senior has been lugging around bags of clothes and sorting through them. they've been donated by friends and neighbors and will be her second ship toment a shelter in mexico. >> in the beginning of the summer. >> this stems from a conversation in a spanish class just before school let out in may she wanted to see what's happening on the border so she started convincing her dad to take her there. >> she was e mailing me and texting me. and calling me saying we have to do this. >> these are the pictures she took. one young man, the same age as she is. >> he took seven trains it made me think, could i make that trip? >> she went to the border immigration was pushed back into the headlines because thousands of central american children
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being held at shelt kwerz julia made it her mission to try to help her dad says there have been people critical about what she's doing but says they're trying not to be political about the reverence. >> this is about helping people in need >> she hopes to share what she learned. >> it important to learn and bring it back. and to explain to people. >> she would like to take fellow students to the border so they can see what's happening there. >> a bay area rider honored at >> a bay area rider honored at the white house today
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you got a little something on the back of your shoe there. a price tag! danger! price tag alert! oh. hey, guys.
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price tag alert! is this normal? well, progressive is a price tag free zone. we let you tell us what you want to pay, and we help you find options to fit your budget. where are they taking him? i don't know. this seems excessive! decontamination in progress. i don't want to tell you guys your job, but... policies without the price tags. now, that's progressive. a barrier breaking bay area rider and singer were honored today at the white house, given national medal of arts today by the president.
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looking at their genius and impact. >> this writer brought her wit and humor to the white house. president obama seemed to engage engaging with the oakland writer. perhaps she's best known for discussing the lives of chinese americans in america. >> she's fighty, strong and ready to do battle. >> my life as poet begin. >> hunkenson wrote three novels and several works of nonfiction. she's looking at a role of women guiding and leading civilization. she does that in a compelling
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way. >> linda ronstadt received a medal for her one of a kind voice and trying new music. saying she was never afraid to step out of her comfort zone. >> whatever came along for her to do so she's all over the map. >> she spoke about living with parkinson's disease >> i say i can walk and talk so it's a good day. you know? >> she helped pave the way for again raegss of artists >> because the national medal of arts was given to nine other prominent americans. >> what a great day for all of
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them. >> here clouds off shore, sunny skies over land area right now. we don't expect much to fall. state wide, heat, temperatures in chico, of course down in palm springs here. high temperatures mid-90s. mid-90s inland. and temperatures tapering off on sunday >> giants are feeling pressure. >> if you're a fan, you're
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looking at the edge of the cliff and saying don't go over. and saying don't go over. after a rough weekend against i'll have my usual ultimate cheeseburger.
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you can have that. or-two new versions of the ultimate cheeseburger. one has sliced jalapeños and creamy ranch sauce, the other has sweet and tangy barbecue sauce and grilled onions, plus double meat and cheese like the original. new versions...? two new versions! now, this was just a training video, but these twists on my ultimate cheeseburger will blow people's minds. is that guy ok? bulldog: ibut my friends i are learning skillsnt! that can change a life. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train dogs like suzie to engage students in schools and special education classes. while ginger visits folks in the hospital offering quiet comfort. with your help, we can do even more! make a donation at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people.
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good evening, what was once a nine-game giants lead turned into a one and a half game deficit. they had a bunch of key players start. it would be easy to panic now but, giants have 57 games left. giants skipper knows there is a long way to go here. >> we're going to be ready to go. this is a good group. yesterday, was a tough game. they'll be found. >> they just lost another outfielder the team put the speedy craig againry on the 15 day disabled
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list. so a's fans in the house in houston. derrick norris scoring josh donaldson. steven bo all alone into upper deck. chris carter in the third. right now they're in the sixth inning. secondary left for raiders so wide open competition. and chris culliver making more
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news, coming off a torn acl. working. getting calls together. do you know what i mean? you just can't all want to come in to start you can't do that. >> big attraction this week, serena williams has sister venus playing in rather curious circumstances >> i had that flash back of when you're in the moment you don't realize how sick you are. you look at everything. so at wimbledon i was really disappointed. >> big win for nba this
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afternoon. a judge ruled against donald sterling. that really paves the way now for the team to be sold. sterling banned after making racist comments. a triple amount game over the weekend is doing the back pedal there. let's get ready to rumble. this is nuts. that ratcheted things up
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he moves backwards well, i will say that for him. good news, thank you >> join me tonight on cable channel 13. a search for anyone coming into contact with a patient on an african flight. could it spread here? and for some, pregnancy that can change a body can last for years. >> bachelor yet fans this is your night. two-hour season finale. >> that is going to do it for us. thanks for joining us at 6:00.
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>> see you at 9:00 and 11:00. [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ]
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[whining like a dog] (tina) oh, my, not that--this. sorry, i don't shake hands. i have avian bone syndrome. hollow bones. tracy jordan, the black crusaders are coming for you. the top law firm in cleveland wants me. god's sakes, tracy, where are you? starting a new life. because of the black crusaders? that's crazy. will you marry me? no.


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